Tuesday, August 23, 2011

there's nothing you can't do, now you're in new york

What a lovely breakfast to wake up to, especially after a rough night of being sick.

In Central Park- it was truly beautiful.
That awful soy-protein smoothie was probably what made me so ill. I'm pretty sure the guy who made it had never made a smoothie before..

Photos 3,4,5 taken by my sister, Mary


  1. I'M GLAD YOU HAD A GOOD TIMEE and I'm super jealous that you got to go! Without me!

  2. there really are no words that can describe how jealous i am, the photo's are amazing, and it looks so beautiful!!!! xx

  3. Great photos. I loved visiting New York so I know how you feel - it's all so incredible! Your denim shirt is gorgeous, by the way.

  4. These photos and you are gorgeous!
