
Monday, December 9, 2013

'tis the season for wishlists


In the Gibson household, Christmas lists begin around the same time as Halloween. My mom has always been one to get her Christmas shopping done early (I applaud you, Mother, I really do) because she hasn't the patience for long lines and traffic-hell come December. While most people are still trying to decide what they're going to dress up as for Halloween, I'm trying to get my Christmas list together for fear of my mother verbally harassing me if I don't get it to her in a timely manner (first world problem, am I right?).
A few years back I began making visual wishlists for her because I found them so much more appealing than handing over a bland sheet of notebook paper with my hardly-legible chickenscratch all over the place. I would copy and paste a photo into Microsoft Word and underneath I would give a size, color, and link to the website where she could purchase said item. Technology is crazy, people. Absolutely crazy.
Ever since then, I have become a huge fan of making online wishlists, whether it be a Christmas list for my (super-freakin-awesome) mom, or just for me to cry penniless tears over things I love yet can't afford. I could spend hours doing this.
All of the items shown above can be found on PersunMall for crazy affordable prices.  Perfect for Christmas shopping :')

xo Susie


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