
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

racks on racks

As I may or may not have mentioned previously, I recently moved out of my parent's house and into a house with my older sister. Among the things I miss the most would be: my sweet puppy, not having to pay for silly but necessary things like laundry detergent, my mom's incessant bear hugs....and most importantly, my walk-in closet. RIP.
My new closet is half the size of my old one, and it's entirely full already. Annnnnd I've only moved 1/4 of my clothing over.
As I am trying to work on my problem-solving skills (they are lacking), upon moving out I decided to invest in a clothing rack for seasonal items I would frequently wear, so as to make room in my closet (and to add to the aesthetic of my room). But being as busy as I am with college classes and studying, work, sorority functions, and trying to squeeze in a couple hours of sleep here and there, I've hardly had time to even unpack, let alone organize my clothing.
Finally last Sunday I had nothing on my plate until the late evening, so I (first and foremost) slept in until noon....and then decided to hang up and organize most of the clothing I've moved over. And since (miraculously!!!) the weather has been in the 50's in the mornings/evenings and 70-80's in the afternoon, I figured it was 100% acceptable to bust out my favorite (faux) furs, leather, and knits.
It makes me so giddy and excited when I walk in my room every night and see those pretties sitting there and I realize it'll only be a few more weeks or so before I can wear everything that's patiently sitting there! FALL IS HERE!

xo Susie

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