Saturday, June 15, 2013

tie the knot

Baby blue has always been one of my favorite colors, but I don't think I realized how much I enjoyed wearing this color until I tried on this top. I'm thinking I need a bit more of this in my closet for the summer time.
I'm having a really hard time transitioning from winter colors (black...and sometimes white) to summer colors (everything other than black).  But by the time I'm comfortable adding color to my wardrobe, it'll be time for winter colors again.
So....maybe this is a sign to just stick with neutrals :")

  • Top- c/o Snidel
  • Bracelet- Beya
xo Susie


  1. That blouse is amazing! And neutrals are super in this summer, so you'd be totally covered!

  2. That is such a pretty top, love the color! Pale blue is one of my favorites as well.
    Allie | A Song to Pass the Time
